Friendly Feline Fill-ins

Feline Friday

Guess what! Lilah here and I’m all better. Unfortunately I’m still trapped in the kid’s room for a little longer as mom doesn’t want everyone to get sick.

This post is joining Feline Friday a blog hop hosted by Sandee from Comedy-plus. Click the link and go check it out.

Every time someone opens the door I try to sneak out and I cry about it. The owie on my nose is slowly healing up. Mom wonders if I’ll always have a pink spot for a scar? Does anyone out there with a black nose know how it heals up? Will it turn black again or am I stuck with a pink nose line?

Mom says it’s ok whatever happens as long as it heals up and doesn’t make me hurt. Mom says I’ll get out of the quarantine room next week and then I can play with all the Halloween stuff. Mom is still watching me close and giving me lots of cuddles though.

Here’s a fun Halloween song in the meantime. This is mom and sister S’s favorite Halloween song. It’s a bop

Friendly Fill-ins

This blog is also joining the Friendly Fill-in blog hop from Miss Ellen at 15andmeowing and Miss Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs. Miss Ellen came up with the first two and Miss Lorianne the second two. If you don’t want to make a post you can answer them in Miss Ellen’s or Miss Lorianne’s comments!

Now it’s mom’s turn to play with the questions. She’s going to be answering in red.

1. 2006 was a very good year. That’s the year I had my youngest kid.
2. Whenever I look outside and see the orange leaves, I get really excited as I love how pretty they look.
3. I look forward to drinking apple cider this time of year.
4. Mirrors and Windows without curtains at nighttime creeps me out. I always think I’m going to see a face looking back at me.

Mom really doesn’t like windows after dark. All the curtains have to be closed or she gets all freaked out. She also has a big mirror that she covers up at nighttime too. MOL poor mom. Are you worried about windows or mirrors?

What’s your favoritest Halloween song? How about movie? There’s a really good one we kitties like called The Halloween Tree. You all should check it out!

Love and sky mittens and Shabbat Shalom,

16 thoughts on “Friendly Feline Fill-ins

  1. I’m so glad Lilah is doing well! She is such a beauty. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I also love seeing the leaves change colors this time of year. It’s such a beautiful sight. Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. Good to hear, Lilah! Hope your nose hurtie just heals up quietly, and I’m sure it will.
    My sister has a real dislike for mirrors, but there is a backstory that I’ll tell in a private email, if you’d like to hear it. I’d like to learn Feng Shui so I can place mirrors in the correct place in the house, to optimize our chi!


    • Oooh I’d be very interested to hear your sisters mirror story! Email me at veduco (at) Gmail (dot) com

      Feng Shui would be interesting. In my culture when someone dies you are supposed to cover the mirrors for 7 days so that their spirit doesn’t get trapped


  3. I’m glad you’re doing well and healing up. I know you’ll be happy when you can join everyone else. I also know that your mom will give you extra love during this time.

    Love your fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥


  4. Great answers all and we are so glad you are feeling better Lilah. Toby is all black and had an ouchie on his nose. Yes it is a little off color but it does fill into black after time


  5. Lilah, some of our black kitties (over the years) have had nose owies that have grown the black fur back. It might depend how deep the scratch went, but you are so beautiful no one will care. (Especially your Mama.) We are so glad to hear you are getting better !

    We are familiar with the Yuletide version of “A Soalin” but this one is great ! Originally some of the All Souls traditions blended in to Christmas with the coming of Christianity as they tried to wipe out The Old Religion


    • Thank you so much for your wonderful words of encouragement and telling us about nose owies!

      That’s fascinating! Mom had no idea that some of the traditions were at Yuletide. Mom is what you call a Jewitch. She’s Jewish but practices Jewish Mysticism too. So she loves hearing about the old religions and things


  6. Lilah, I am glad you feel better. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I didn’t realize you still had a young one at home. I always insist we close the shades/curtains at night. Have a great weekend. XO


  7. We’re so happy to hear that you’re feeling better, sweetie💗Loved the answers on the fill-ins. So cool you have a young twofeet sibling…I think they can be very annoying…MOL… Granny doesn’t like open windows either, she always closes the curtains, even in Summertime, despite to Grandpaw and me 😉 😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞


    • MOL our young twofeet children thankfully aren’t tiny. They are 14 and 16 so they aren’t as annoying as the littler ones. Mom totally feels for your granny!! Glad to hear she’s not alone!

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